
Kendo: The principles of the sword

Tusha Buntin, who has studied kendo for 38 years, explains the history and cultural importance of the modern Japanese martial art.

În Hawaii kendo was brought by Japanese imigrants. In Romania it got some time later, in 1990, when mister Tsushima Kanji started teaching kend for the first time. In the following years (1991-1992) the Romania Fencing Federation set the legal frame to practice kendo. Since then the martial art has evolved and it can be practice in Oradea also.

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Contact & trainings

The contact phone number is +40743-539203, use it and Dan-Marius Sabău will answer your questions.

The Kendo trainings are every Tuesday and Thursday between 7 pm and 9 pm at Arts highschool, Menumorut street, number 33, Oradea.

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